Saturday, November 22, 2008

MY first project production...

Today, I spent half a day icing my cupcakes (hald of the cakes dah hilang dimakan beberapa "tikus montok" berkaki dua mlm semalam..tinggal separuh jer cupcakes yg tinggal...huwaaa...tak sabar betul budak2 ni..)...Anyway, on the icing, alhamdulillah, outcome not bad jugak. Mom was impressed when i make the roses...he he he...I'm supprised myself coz i nvr tot it will come out that good for someone who nvr ever attended any formal class nor seen anyone doing it right before my eyes...thanks to youtube for all the "how to" videos...
I make several design, one football concept for my nephew's birthday tomorrow..another happy box and one flower garden ...

Vanilla Sponge cake with choc chips with buttercream icing

Carrot Walnut Cake with buttercream icing

Assorted Carrot Walnut with buttercream

Roses garden...ok tak?

Please leave some comments, what do u think of my design?


Anonymous said...

the rose design is marvellous...
keep up designing..nanti mai bagi kami rasa..leh tolong promote ..heheh

wan said...

liza, your roses tu dah cantik for first timer. Kakwan rasa u ada lenggok tangan to deco cuppies, tgk dari your roses. Kemaskan sikit je your deco tu, sure lagi meletup ok :)
All the best!!

Luvins Salika Cupcakes said...

Dayah & Kak Wan...thanks for the encouraging comments..

Kak Wan..thanks for recognizing my creation....tima kasih byk2. I shd do more cuppies utk perkemaskan design...tgn masih terketar lagi nak design2 ni...